Financial Services Act (FinSA)
AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd (AXA IM): Information duties according to the Financial Services Act (FinSA)
Based on Art. 8 FinSA, we are pleased to inform you as follows:
a) Name and address of the financial service provider
The financial service we may agree with you is provided by:
AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd.
Ernst-Nobs-Platz 7
CH-8004 Zurich
(Post address: P.O. Box 1078, CH-8021 Zurich)
b) Field of activity and supervisory status
The purpose of AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd is to conduct the fund business within the meaning of Art. 33 para. 4 of the Financial Institutions Act (FinIA) and to provide, on a commercial basis, all other services which a fund management company performs under FinIA in conjunction with the Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA). This includes in particular: the launch and management of Swiss FINMA-approved and non-FINMA-approved collective investment schemes, in particular contractual investment funds including Qualified Investor Funds (QIFs), and their independent management in its own name and for the account of the investors (Art. 32 FinIA); the management of unit accounts (Art. 54 para. 1 lit. c of the Financial Institutions Ordinance (FinIO)) asset management in the name and for the account of Swiss and any kind of foreign collective investment schemes (Art. 6 para. 3 in conjunction with Art. 24 para. 1 lit. a FinIA); the conduct of fund business for foreign collective investment schemes (Art. 54 FinIO) in conjunction with Art. 26 para. 2 FinIA); the representation of foreign collective investment schemes (Art. 54 para. 1 lit. a FinIO); the offering of Swiss and foreign collective investment schemes and other financial instruments (Art. 33 para. 4 FinIA; Art. 120 para. 1 and 4 CISA; Art. 3 lit. g FinSA) as well as the advertising thereof; the provision of individual asset management for institutional clients, professional clients and private clients domiciled mainly in Switzerland pursuant to FinSA (Art. 6 para. 3 in conjunction with Art. 17 para. 1 FinIA); the provision of investment advisory services for institutional clients, professional clients and private clients within the meaning of FinSA, in particular also for Swiss and any kind of foreign collective investment schemes (Art. 3 lit. c. No. 4 FinSA); the provision of additional administrative and management activities for domestic and foreign collective investment schemes and similar assets such as in-house funds, investment foundations and investment companies, in particular the management of investment foundations (Art. 6 para. 3 in conjunction with Art. 26 para. 3 FinIA). In addition to performing the activities pursuant to Art. 33 para. 4FinIA, the company may also perform tasks pursuant to Art. 34 FinIA, i.e. the custody and technical management of collective investment schemes; the administration of an investment company with variable capital. The services may relate to all types and classes of assets and investments, namely equities, money market instruments, bonds, real estate, hedge funds, commodities and others such as alternative or mixed investments.
AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd has the required licenses from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA ( to provide these financial services.
c) Possibility to initiate mediation proceedings before a recognized ombudsman’s office
The ombudsman's office of AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd is the following: Financial Ombudsman Service Switzerland (FINOS).
As a client of a financial service provided by AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd, you have the possibility, in the event of a dispute, to initiate proceedings before the ombudsman's office, which will settle the matter unbureaucratically, fairly, quickly, impartially and at low or no cost to you.
d) The general risks related to financial instruments
Financial instruments are always related to risks. These may be in your favor or to your disadvantage. We ask you to consult the publication "Risks in Trading with Financial Instruments" of the Swiss Bankers Association, which is available free of charge on the internet ( and from your client advisor.
If you have any questions, please contact your client advisor.
e) The personally recommended financial service and the associated risks and costs
In the case of a contract concluded with AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd, AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd has the right and the duty to select investments for you within the agreed framework and to invest your assets in them. AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd is free in its investment decisions within the framework of the contract concluded. These investments may lead to an increase in value, but also to a loss.
AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd guarantees neither a return nor a success of the investment activity.
In connection with financial services provided, costs and fees may be charged by AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd as well as by third parties. These costs and fees will be provided to the client before the conclusion of a contract or before the purchase of an investment product. Questions on costs and fees will be gladly answered free of charge.
f) The economic ties to third parties existing in connection with the financial service offered.
AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd is independent in the performance of the financial services offered. It does not receive any retrocessions or the like. Should it nevertheless receive such, it will forward them to the clients.
Furthermore, the AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd takes the necessary precautions to avoid conflicts of interest in its business activities and to protect its clients from disadvantages. If a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, such conflict will be disclosed to clients and the appropriate action will only be taken with clients’ consent.
g) The market offer considered
In providing financial services, AXA IM offers financial instruments and solutions that are developed, issued, managed or controlled by AXA IM.
AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd offers financial services and instruments which may have a relation to the AXA Group.
Valid from 01.01.2022
AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd
The information on this website is intended for investors domiciled in Switzerland.
AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd (AXA IM) is not liable for unauthorised use of the website.
This website is for advertising and informational purpose only. The published information and expression of opinions are provided for personal use only. The information, data, figures, opinions, statements, analyses, forecasts, simulations, concepts and other data provided by AXA IM in this document are based on our knowledge and experience at the time of preparation and are subject to change without notice.
AXA IM excludes any warranty (explicit or implicit) for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the published information and expressions of opinion. In particular, AXA IM is not obliged to remove information that is no longer up to date or to expressly mark it a such. To the extent that the data contained in this document originates from third parties, AXA IM is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, up-to-dateness and appropriateness of such data, even if only such data is used that is deemed to be reliable.
The information on the website of AXA IM does not constitute a decision aid for economic, legal, tax or other advisory questions, nor may investment or other decisions be made solely on the basis of this information. Before any investment decision is made, detailed advice should be obtained that is geared to the client's situation.
Past performance or returns are neither a guarantee nor an indicator of the future performance or investment returns. The value and return on an investment is not guaranteed. It can rise and fall and investors may even incur a total loss.
AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd.