Investment Institute
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CIO Views: UK back in investors’ focus; Bunds in favour

US continues to outperform with markets hitting fresh highs
New UK government could bolster growth and markets
US high yield and treasuries providing solid opportunities

UK moves back into investors’ focus

The UK’s economic outlook is improving. Historically, when elections have delivered a change in government with a large majority, markets have performed well. Labour’s parliamentary majority should mark a period of policy transparency - and hopefully growth. The equity market has increasingly traded at a discount to US and European markets while sterling’s relative cheapness should provide a further attraction to investors and overseas corporates looking to acquire UK assets. The Bank of England is likely to start lowering interest rates from their current 5.25% level. Headline inflation dropped to 2.0% in May and further declines in core inflation should be seen over the second half of 2024. UK government and corporate bonds are currently attractive.

Bunds in favour

European government bond markets look almost priced to perfection with expectations for a European Central Bank (ECB) deposit facility rate of around 2.70% by the end of 2025. According to ECB President Christine Lagarde, there is a fine line between data dependency and data-point dependency, which will allow the Governing Council to look through unexpected, albeit short-lived, inflation surprises. So what could possibly go wrong for investors? We’ve already had an amuse bouche of government bond volatility in the aftermath of the European Parliament elections. Luckily, this proved to be short-lived. At this stage, Germany stands out, especially given the more liquid trading conditions in its government bond market.

More needs to be done for China’s consumer

Post pandemic, China has seen some positive momentum - in investment and industrial production and a revival of export growth in some sectors. However, it continues to face challenges, as it looks to rebalance from an investment-led to a consumption-based economy. It needs to find an alternative to the real estate sector as a lasting source of economic expansion. The government announced various policy packages to support its troubled property market. Meanwhile, more needs to be done directly for the consumer, for its transition towards consumption-led growth. But given consumer confidence is very low, policies to expand social safety nets and to grow the middle-income class should be in focus.

Asset Class Summary Views

Views expressed reflect CIO team expectations on asset class returns and risks. Traffic lights indicate expected return over a three-to-six-month period relative to long-term observed trends.




Data flow in major economies pointing to rate cuts in second half of 2024

US Treasuries

 Election may impact the timing of a rate cut but Federal Reserve is close to easing

Euro – Core Govt.

 Further ECB rate cuts expected but markets have priced this in

Euro – Peripherals

 Bonds remain subject to political events and to the relative debt/GDP outlook

UK Gilts

 New government pledges fiscal stability. Two interest rate cuts expected this year


 Low returns. Policy indecision by Bank of Japan and weak yen make JGBs unattractive


 Stable expectations as data shows gradually lower inflation in the second half of 2024


 Income assets should be part of portfolios. Low spreads suggest limited excess returns

USD Investment Grade

 All in yields are attractive but excess return limited

Euro Investment Grade

 Stable growth and lower interest rates support income focus in credit

GBP Investment Grade

 Returns supported, given current yields and expectations of a faster pace of rate cuts

USD High Yield

 Fundamentals and funding strength remain strong

Euro High Yield

 Strong fundamentals and ECB cuts support total returns

EM Hard Currency

 Volatility has subsided but a later Fed interest rate cut will delay recovery


 Earnings cycle remains robust; AI likely to underpin continued concentrated US returns


  Growth set to continue to dominate but need to watch company earnings momentum


 Positive economic surprises and attractive valuations


 Monetary policy and change of government should boost sentiment


 Benefits from growth in semiconductors. Reforms in focus for broader performance


 Growth remains unbalanced. Accelerating industrial output, masks a weak consumer

Investment Themes*

 Secular spending on technology, automation, to support relative outperformance

*AXA Investment Managers has identified six themes, supported by megatrends, that companies are tapping into which we believe are best placed to navigate the evolving global economy: Technology & Automation, Connected Consumer, Ageing & Lifestyle, Social Prosperity, Energy Transition, Biodiversity.

CIO team views draw on AXA IM Macro Research and AXA IM investment team views and are not intended as asset allocation advice.


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    AXA Investment Managers Switzerland Ltd.