Virginie Derue

Head of RI Research

Responsible investing is likely to broaden its lens, shifting from a net zero focus to a more holistic perspective of sustainability. The Climate-Biodiversity nexus is gaining traction, putting nature more center stage. In the same vein, due diligence in the field of social is becoming a key area of scrutiny, as the transition should not be met at the detriment of people/local communities.
Whatever short-term possible drawbacks, we firmly believe that sustainability is – and will be – a core driver of long-term success.

Virginie is Head of AXA IM’s RI Research team. In this role she leads AXA IM’s ESG thematic research focusing on key themes such as climate, biodiversity, social as well as responsible technology.

Virginie, who is a member of the AXA IM Investment Institute's Advisory Committee, is responsible for ensuring ESG Research can be implemented into investment decisions across all fixed income and equity portfolios.

She joined AXA IM in 1998 and spent much of her career as a senior portfolio manager within the Fixed Income team. She was Co-Head of the Euro Credit team between 2011 and 2013 and Head of Credit Book for AXA between 2014 and 2019, supervising the credit quality of AXA group’s portfolios.

Most recently, she was appointed Coordinator of Corporate Credit Research, overseeing the integration of ESG risks and opportunities in fundamental research. Prior to joining the company, Virginie was an Auditor at Ernst & Young. Virginie graduated from ESCP Business School with a Master in Finance and holds a MSc in Research for Finance from University of Paris Dauphine.

Meet Virginie Derue, Head of RI Research


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